Thursday, June 11, 2015

Introduction to Me

The name's Madden. Marsha Madden. I'm a nail art addict. Hey, no shame here lol. My passion for nail art all started back when i was a young child in middle school. I did my nails for as long as i could remember. Every time I'd come to school, kids would admire my nails. I'd get better and better through out each mani I'd do.
My mom would be the reason for my beautiful natural nails! She had them as well.
Throughout the years my passion for nail art grew more and more throughout middle school all the way to college to now. I went from just simple painted manis to cute nail art. I take pride in my work. I'm not always happy with them but the more i practice the more i will get to the level i want to be. Which is to be a nail tech someday. One day i will go back to beauty school but this time just for nails. I'm only 24. I have plenty of time right?